Hello everyone!

I know I haven't been super present on all my social media platforms and I want to apologize for that. I don't want to make up excuses but sometimes, your girl just needs a break. I think people often forget how much of a toll the internet puts on your life. Think about it for a second, being an influencer requires you to post everyday; if not twice a day, share the latest products or what is going on in your life ( which in essence is airing out your dirty laundry for everyone to see), update all your platforms and links so everything is working properly, answering emails and DMs and of course, creating TONS of content. For the average part time influencer/blogger/business owner and part time human, you feel like there is NO TIME! No time to stop and think for yourself, no time to deal with REAL LIFE issues and circumstances. That's basically why I've dropped off the face of the blogging community. I've realized, especially at this time of the year, seasonal depression kicks in for a lot of people. It can be hard staying motivated and happy when you have no time for self care or self reflection. In this blog post, I want to shy away from my regular beauty content and focus on mental health. I truly hope that sharing what I do when I'm not okay helps someone in some way *air hugs*

What to do when you're not okay:

1. Start saying no and take a break:

I know this is easier said than done and you can't stop doing everything in your life. What I found that helped me the most when I feel like my head was going to explode was start saying no to plans, people, tasks and taking a break. Even if it was for 30 minutes, I would turn off my phone, turn off my lights, close the door and just sit and be in the moment. Let myself feel what I was thinking/ feeling at the time and sometimes, even cry to get it out. Allowing yourself to have a break IS NOT SELFISH. Trust me, if you don't go to the movies with your friends or do the laundry at 6 pm, the world won't end. The most important thing is to declutter your mind and allow yourself to breath. There's a saying that comes in handy with this action, you cannot pour from an empty cup.

2. Rediscover what you love to do and do it

Doing what you love is sometimes the best thing to do when you're not okay. For example, if I know that I'm being triggered by someone/something, I will leave the situation, go to my room, hop into the shower and sing my head off. I know, call me crazy but it works for me. Singing is one of my favourite things to do so I just do it in times when I'm stressed out. Find something that you love to do and try doing it for just a few minutes.

3. Talk to someone

This one is kinda loaded for me because there is a difference between talking to someone and talking to someone who will actually help you process and get out your feelings. Finding someone who will listen, understand and be gentle with you is VERY VERY important. Whether it is a counsellor, therapist, close friend or a loved one, find someone who will not invade your mental space with negativity and doubt, but will uplift, support and help you process what you are going through. For me, I find that praying to God and talking to certain people in my life help me a lot. They put me at peace and they remind me that I am special and whatever I am going through will pass.

So there you have it folks. I know this may not have been super novel ideas or something profound but I truly hope this helps someone out there.

